Last week someone said to us, "it must have been super difficult starting your business right in the midst of the pandemic."
The answer to that is both yes, it has been and also it's really forced us to be adaptive, resilience, flexible, and to always have a plan A, B, C, D, and E.
Coming up with a multitude of plans and being willing to change course when necessary, has been the biggest lesson we've learned in these first three years of running Over the Moon.
For example, prior to the pandemic, we thought we would do U-Pick Flowers in addition to our Flower CSA and that we would be able to do more workshops and events. After things began to shift and in-person events no longer seemed like a great option, we shifted our focus to home delivery and expanded our Flower CSA.
Ultimately that ended up being a great decision and opened our business up to entirely new customer base that we hadn't even thought about. We began delivering flowers to so many folks around our rural community and beyond.
So here's our one piece of advice -- ALWAYS have a Plan A, B, C, D, and E.