PASTURE RAISED PEKIN DUCK RESTOCK 🥳 our favorite kind of day and a product we are so proud of!
🦆There’s not much for domestic duck production (according to the FAO only about 1.7% of world wide duck meat is produced in the US) , and very, very little in Iowa.
🦆That means most duck is either imported or coming from Indiana, California, or Pennsylvania.
🦆Duck is harder and more expensive to process (think feathers) and there are very few facilities who do them. They’re also less feed efficient than a broiler or turkey, but there’s SO MUCH that makes them a great animal to raise.
🦆In the realm of raising meat birds outside, ducks really are THE climate resilient option.
They can handle sudden shifts in temperature, storms (they honestly will probably enjoy it, the bigger the puddles the better), cold, and heat as long as they have tons of water sources.
🦆For many folks duck is also a culturally important food + it’s super high in iron, protein, all sorts of vitamins, healthy fats, and it’s DELICIOUS.
✨You can find our duck at @rodina_restaurant and on our website for order ✨
#pastureraisedduck #pekinduck #duck #iowaduck#iowalocalfood #pasturedpoultry